So three days to go till the Olympic Torch arrives in KL.
If you didn't know already, it's a big deal okay. Like seriously, since the last time we hosted a leg of the Olympic torch run was wayyyy back in 1964. I don't reckon any of you were born back then, huh?
Add to the events surrounding the Olympic torch runs in Paris and London, and heck it's an even bigger deal. I think all these protests surrounding the Tibet issue shouldn't hamper the Olympic Games. I for one, don't see how China's human rights records should be held against them in hosting the Olympics. Come on now, no one gave a rats' ass when the big 'ol US of A hosted the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake back in 2002. If you need reminding, that's fresh from their invasion of Afghanistan post 9-11. Which lead to the establishment of Guantanamo Bay as a prison facility for 'war criminals'. Now I don't recall Guantanamo Bay getting a seal of approval from Amnesty. Double standards by the superpowers, I presume?
It would be interesting though, to imagine pro-Tibet activists extinguishing the Olympic flame right here in our own backyard. And with Karam 'pepatah tak penah dengar' Walia being slated as one of the torch bearers, things can get even more exciting. How cool is that, huh?
So mark your calendar and make your way to Dataran this Monday. If the anti-China protesters aren't there, the Olympic flame and our own weather will certainly provide the heat. Malaysia boleh
(padam api Olimpik)!!
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