If you've noticed, I've been working
really hard on getting a good entry up on this blog.
I'm sorry.
It's not that I didn't try you know?
Anyways, since I wanted to put up a list of things I accomplished in 2007, I'll just list it out since I am super duper busy with people, people.
In all 2007 was a topsy turvy year. They were the highs. There were the lows. I was betrayed, miserable, fell in love and got engaged all in one year. My life is a soap opera or Sinetron (whichever you prefer). Emotional roller coaster aside, this was the year I was confirmed into the service, meaning I can start looking for a house or get a loan to buy a motorboat (like seriously, there is such a loan provided). I also sat for my
super-duper-periksa-yang-tiada-kaitan-atau-mempunyai-kaitan-yang kecil-dengan-bidang-tugas-saya, also known as the PTK. No prizes for guessing how I did.
What else? Nothing much really. It was a big year for me because of the 'spying' and 'engaging' events held. Everything else was secondary. Didn't travel much this year either. There was only a Kuching trip to show for. I love Kuching and found a nice cosy place in the Singgahsana Lodge for those who crave for something different. If you're looking for someplace cheap and cosy in Kuching, this is the place to go to.
I guess that pretty much sums up my 2007. Here's what I'll be looking forward to in 2008 (it's not a resolution coz I hate resolutions. They're so over-rated. Just do the right thing):
1. Get married and have fun making babies
2. Waking up to someone at my side (altogether now.....awwwwww)
3. Have a super duper honeymoon to the Virgin Islands. (if that's not possible, Perhentian would do)
4. Re-design this blog (I know, I know. It's sooo over-due)
5. Plan my wedding properly (she'll love me for this)
Well, I guess that's it. The W word will definitely take up most of my time this year. I'm looking forward to the big day and I pray everything turns up well. I pray Papa will get better this year and hope for my family and everyone's well-being. Everyone, let's have a super duper year shall we?
Word of the day: Super duper if you didn't notice already
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