okay, i don't usually do these kinda things coz:
1. i'm an egoistic self-centered male
2. i don't care and don't give a damn when you last kissed someone or what your favourite colour is. i do care about what you think though...
3. it's my opinion that you do these kinda quizzes when you have nothing else to write about.
referring to Number Three, i don't have anything else to write about today. besides, i've tendered my resignation oredi, so i don't feel like doing any kinda work. i just wanna blog all day...haha. okay okay, i'll just shut my mouth and here goes:
Source No. 1: Kuman
The Things I Do When No One Around Me Wants To Go Out And Play?
1. watch my compiling stack of unwatched DVDs
2. blog: reading or writing 'em
3. read something other than a book:
porn mags magazines, newspapers
What lowers my stress/blood pressure/anxiety level?
1. Doing any sports activity
2. Bebudak Gasing
3. Makan
4. Blogging
5. Balik rumah Seremban
6. This is the honest-to-goodness truth: praying
Source No. 2: She-who-shall-not-be-named
3 screen names you have had:
Wahhh...semasa zaman kehangatan MIRC, i've used:
Mr. Brown (taking cue from Reservoir Dogs...ehem)
polyester_sucks (i dunno why the hell i chose this name)
maguire80 (this is the cheesiest of 'em all. i just love Jerry Maguire. period.)
3 physical things you don't like about yourself:
It's not being tak bersyukur or whatever. But if i have to answer i would say my round face, my funny hair and errr...that's about it.
3 parts of your heritage:
Honestly, i dunno much about my heritage. what i know is that my dad is half-Melayu half-Japanese and that my mother's ancestors came from the island of Sumatra. (i did some Googling and lo and behold...
my great-great grandfather is on Wikipedia Indonesia. hehe...sapa la rajin Wiki pasal dia tu)
3 things that scare you:
The unknown, dissapointments and not being free.
3 of your everyday essential:
Johnson's baby oil, deodarant and fresh pair of underwear...hehe
3 things you are wearing right now:
Office flip-flops, jeans (haha...we get to wear jeans on Friday) and a black chequered shirt
3 of your fav bands or musical artists:
U2, Kak Alanis and the Beatles (i like things in black and white)
3 of your fav songs: benci sial soalan camni, banyak gile dowhh lagu sedap. so i'll put whatever song i'm listening to over and over recently: Howie Day's Collide, Stereophonics' Dakota and Peter Pan's Mimpi Yang Sempurna
3 things you want in a relationship:
Chemistry (is there such a thing?), lotsa love and knowing someone cares for me like me mama. ohhh...sungguh poyo ayatku ini.
2 truths and a lie: I like writing, i'm a dreamer and all my dreams will come true.
3 physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to you:
Nice eyes, huggable (betul ke eja ni?) and something i cannot mention here. :p
3 of your favorite hobbies:
Movies, dreaming and writing crap like this
3 things you really want to do badly right now: Shut the loud-talking guy on the phone beside me, go makan and go home
3 careers you have considered: 3 je?? ok laaa...FBI Profiler, superstar journalist like Christiane Amanpour and screenwriter
3 places you want to go on vacation: The Big Apple, Russia and maybe a road trip across America...i too have this thing for all things American :)
3 kid's names you like: a kid?? i'm not even married yet. tak nak jawab la. i'll save this when the time comes...
3 things you want to do before you die: 3 words: Seize the day!
3 ways that you are stereotypically a guy:
my ego is as big as you-know-what, i like to talk dirty (refer the phrase before this) and lazing around talking bulls*** is a favourite pastime
3 celeb crushes: I used to have this hugeeeeeee crush on Martina Hingis (almost wrote a letter to her...stalker siall), Cameron Diaz wooed me in There's Something About Mary and Julia Roberts' smile is as good as Mona Lisa
3 people that I wud like to see take this quiz:
Those who have nothing to blog about, those who are on my links and the guy who came across this blog while Googling for Najwa Ampang. for the friggin hundreth time, I DO NOT HAVE THE CLIP. thank you.
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